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| | Hud | Pre Ayat ← 43 | → Next Ayat | Pre Ruku ← | | 4. History of Noah | | → Next Ruku|
Translation:He answered, "I am going to climb up a mountain that will protect me from waters." Noah said, "Today there is nothing to protect from Allahs judgment except that He Himself should take pity on anyone." In the meantime a wave came between them and he was among the drowned.
Translit: Qala saawee ila jabalin yaAAsimunee mina almai qala la AAasima alyawma min amri Allahi illa man rahima wahala baynahuma almawju fakana mina almughraqeena
0 QalaQala
1 saaweesaawiy
2 ila | إِلَىٰ | to, until Combined Particles ila
3 jabalinjabalin
4 yaAAsimuneeya`simuniy
5 mina | مِنَْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles mina
6 almaialmai
7 qalaqala
8 la | لَا | not |particle| no! |negative imperative| Combined Particles
9 AAasima`asima
10 alyawmaalyawma
11 min | مِنْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles min
12 amriamri
13 AllahiAllahi
14 illa | إِلَّا | unless, if not, except, save Combined Particles illa
15 man | مَنْ | who? which one? which ones |interr. pron.|, who; the who; those who; whoever, whosoever, everyone who, he who | relative pron. | Combined Particles man
16 rahimarahima
17 wahalaha
18 baynahuma | بَيْنَهُمَ | between them Combined Particles baynahuma
19 almawjualmawju
20 fakana كَانَا | were Kana Perfectka
21 mina | مِنَْ | of, some, from, away from |prep.| Combined Particles mina
22 almughraqeenaalmughraqiyna